XP Round Table
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM) (EDT)
For many churches, the Executive Pastor is a critical integrator brining the heart of ministry and shepherding together to meet operations and administration. This same ministry leader is vital in recognizing and championing child and youth protection measures in order to protect the vulnerable within the church and to reduce various forms of risk exposure for the church as an organization. How can the church XP or administrator understand what safeguards should be in place and how to go about implementing these measures? How can a busy XP build capacity, champion and support these initiatives, and hold team members accountable to protect children and youth.
Join Kevin Trotter (Trellis Group), and XPs Matt Espenshade and Weyland Glenn as they have this important conversation, then bring you in to participate. This 90-minute round table will start as a panel discussion, then open up for questions and answers based on implementing ECAP Child Safety Standards and the role of accreditation for churches.