Beth is a Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor (LPC-S) and Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, Level 2 (CCTP-II). Beth is interested in the interplay between church-based ministry and professional Christian counseling. She consults with churches and counseling practices regarding how to utilize counseling within the church, and collaborate with professional counselors to bridge the (sometimes vastly wide) gap between churches and mental health professionals. Beth is passionate about bringing trauma-informed care to the Church. She is working closely with other counselors and vocational ministers to create materials and resources in trauma healing for pastors, counselors and church-based ministries.
Beth has a private counseling practice, working primarily with married couples, vocational ministers and survivors of abuse. Beth Is the Executive Director of Christian Trauma Healing Network, a nonprofit organization that offers resources, training and collaboration to Christian mental health providers, pastors, lay counselors and advocates.
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